Is A Soil Test Kit Enough For A Successful Garden Crop?

Using pesticides and other chemicals on vegetables and fruits was a practice since the 19th century, but people now have understood the downsides of it. Kidney problems and other major health issues are the downsides of pesticides on humans. Well, we started this article with this as we want you to understand the importance of a garden crop. What is a garden crop? What is a Soil Test Kit? How can you get your garden crop right; hence you can give your family the best. In a world where people give priority to safety and health, we can't afford to get our health status deteriorated by chemicals and unsafe fruits and vegetables we buy from the local market. Other than the safety, having a garden crop is a fun experience. When you see the fruits and vegetables after all the hard work, you can be proud of yourself. Let's see how can you get it right with the help of a Soil Test Kit too!

The soil is undoubtedly the most important factor to get right for a successful garden crop. But why? Well, it is the medium that plants get nutrients and water to survive. Yes, some plants are that can survive without soil, but most vegetables and fruit plants grow with the help of soil in your garden. So, if this medium is not up to the required standards; will the plants grow? What if you fail to feed to your kid when he/she is young? Will your kid grow healthy? Without food and water, in the same way; plants too will not grow and give you a better harvest at the end. The Soil Test Kit is the element that lets you test your soil for essential nutrients and other factors such as pH. Well, soil preparation is not a piece of cake. You should start the process as early as possible in spring. Summer is the ideal season for most vegetables and fruits. Hence, keeping the soil ready in advance before the summer is highly advisable for all home gardeners.

Soil Test Kit at a glance

We can divide these useful elements into two categories as manual and digital ones. For example, the kits that come with chemicals and test strips are manual ones. With the improvement of everything in this world, now you can buy digital test kits too. While we can't say which type is the best as it depends on the gardener, we can say that using a digital Soil Test Kit is pretty easy as no chemicals and test strips are involved. Anyway, experienced home gardeners recognize manual test kits that come with test strips and chemicals as the best option.

Soil pH

Well, this is the most crucial factor to get right as it is the fact that determines the nutrient availability in the soil. Your garden's soil may already have nutrients in required amounts, but if the pH level is not within the correct levels; the plants won't be able to absorb these available nutrients. Your Soil Test Kit play a top role here as it lets you know the soil pH levels accurately and efficiently. The power of hydrogen is written in short form as pH. OK, what can you do if the soil pH levels are not within the accepted ranges? Don't worry! You can get the pH levels right by a few DIY methods as well. Adding compost made by you is one way you can balance the pH levels. Or, you can add fertilizers that you can buy from plant shops or the nearest house improvement store.

Other than the Soil Test Kit?

As mentioned, maintaining a garden crop is not a piece of cake. Dedication could be the most vital factor here. For example, no matter how good your soil is, but if you don't give enough time to plants; you will never see high-grade end results. In other words, your time and money will be wasted in the end. Dedication means keeping an eye on the plants every day. Water them in the right amounts and at the right times. Keeping an eye on invaders such as insects and snails would be a nightmare. But, you should fight all these for a successful garden crop. Which means having a Soil Test Kit alone can't give you that dream garden crop filled with healthy fruits and vegetables.

The season

Australia is a country where we get four seasons every year. Out of these four seasons, summer is the best one for a garden crop. In other words, even if you have a Soil Test Kit and you have got all other factors right; if you choose the wrong season, you will not enjoy good end results. Winter cold can destroy plants. Also, since the daytime is shorter in winter, the plants will not get enough sunshine for food manufacturing. Autumn climate also may not be right for most vegetable and fruit plants. Anyway, starting the soil preparation too early isn't advisable either. Rain, winter cold, snow, and many other factors can change your garden soil. Considering all these facts suggests that spring is the best season to start the soil preparation process. Yes, the mild climate will let you work outside without hassle.

The right amount of water

Every living thing in this world needs water for the survival. The right amount of water is crucial for a successful garden crop. The texture of soil plays a top role here. For example, too much clay in the soil can make it hold water for longer time periods, which can ruin your plants. Also, excessive sand in the soil can drain water quickly; hence the plants will not a get chance to absorb the required amount of water for their survival. As the Soil Test Kit can't determine these factors for you, you will have to perform visual and touch tests to determine these vital factors. Dig a hole in the ground and add water. How long does it take water to drain fully? Well, that is one simple test you can perform to evaluate soil texture.

Some final words

So, what have you understood by now? Well, the Soil Test Kit is one of the crucial elements that every home gardeners should own, but it alone can't get everything right for you. Your dedication can take you a long way. Also, you might need advice from experts gardeners. Of course, you can contact us for more information. You can buy your required Soil Test Kit from us! Our top-class products will satisfy you 100%.