Silly Wall Insulation Myths That You Shouldn't Believe

Are you a homeowner who thinks this, "No, I am not going to invest money in Wall Insulation and get my home ruined?" Yes, a few homeowners think it this way; when it comes to insulation. Anyway, all these are just myths created by a few insulation haters it seems. As a homeowner, you must be worrying about insulation myths; hence hesitating to invest money in it. And, we, as experts in this demanding industry; our mission is to bust all these myths; hence all homeowners can enjoy the benefits of insulation. The highlight of this article would be Wall Insulation, but we discuss all other insulation types as well. Let's bust some silly myths!

It is a well-known fact that heaters and air conditioners use a lot of energy; hence you can't rely on them for a long time. Well, you can, but energy bills will give you tears at the end. The situation is critical in countries like Canada and Russia as the winter temperature in such countries drop below minus 40 sometimes. Anyway, even homeowners in Canada and Russia depend on Wall Insulation including other types. By the way, who created these silly myths? Well, it is hard to say from where and when these myths came to this world, but these myths have been there for a few decades. At a glance, these myths creators have a point, but when you go into the deeps; you will realize that what they say are silly and untrue. In summary, you should not believe such myths that keeping you away from investing money in Wall Insulation and other types.

Insulation products are dangerous

Certainly, this myth was a valid fact in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. But, people in those decades didn't know it. And, as a result; thousands of people got affected by various types of health issues such as asbestosis. Asbestosis is a severe health condition that occurs when you get exposed to asbestos and contaminated products. Unfortunately, it was in the 80s that people understood the health issues that arise by exposure to asbestosis. By the time, it was already too late; the damage already happened. Don't worry though! All modern Wall Insulation other types are 100% free from all sort of dangerous contaminants. For example, cellulose insulation, which is made of recycled paper is 100% safe to handle even without gloves and safety clothing. Not only cellulose insulation, all other insulation types including fiberglass ones can be installed and handled yourself today. Anyway, wearing a mask, gloves, and other safety clothing is highly advisable when dealing with fiberglass products for extra safety. If you are not a fan of batt, blown-in, and spray-foam options; you can go with the rigid panel insulation, which is a pretty effective Wall Insulation type available in the market today.

Insulation increases fire risk

Old days' insulation showed less resistance to fires. Also, we didn't have a proper law that ensures the safety of insulation installed in the attic. For example, the most common cause of fires in the attic was downlights and electrical leaks. Rats in the attic can damage the electrical wires in no time. The heat produced by the downlight can lead to a fire. Wall Insulation and roof insulation are almost the same; hence a homeowner can think that insulation within the wall structure too can increase the fire risk. The situation is not the same now. Laws regarding the minimum distance between downlights and insulation have been improved and changed by the Australian government. So, all modern insulation installers stick to these standards when insulating their clients' homes or other commercial and industrial properties. Also, product wise; Wall Insulation and all other types can handle high-temperature when compared to old days' insulation products.

Remember, even though modern thermal barriers are safe to handle and installed by yourself; doing it yourself all the time is not advisable as homeowners tend to make mistakes with it. For example, most homeowners who DIY the installation process leave gaps, and these gaps lead to frequent temperature fluctuations and inefficiency. So, what is the best option you got in hand? Well, modern thermal barrier suppliers provide comprehensive installation and removal services at affordable rates today. A quick tip: if you suspect asbestos contamination in your old insulation; never attempt it yourself. Instead, hand over the task to a qualified installer who can do a perfect job for you, and you can save time and money in the long with this option.

Wall Insulation gets deteriorated by pest infestation and mold growth

Well, this myth could be applicable to old days' insulation up to some extent. Anyway, modern thermal barrier producers in Australia now have come up with various options that don't even get affected by water ingress. So, when a thermal barrier doesn't get affected by water ingress, will it get affected by pest infestation? The product you should choose here is called the rigid panel insulation. As the name suggests, it is not a batt, spray-foam, or a blown-in product. The rigid panel is an insulation board that you can efficiently install on anywhere, even by yourself. A rigid panel thermal barrier won't get affected by any insulation killers such as pest infestation, water ingress, and mold growth. Hence, all these facts suggest that modern Wall Insulation will serve you for decades; some manufacturers even give a lifetime warranty for their products today.

Insulation is an expensive option

Well, this could be the silliest myth of all. So, what do these myth creators suggest you, to rely on air conditioners and heaters for the lifetime? It is dead simple. Installing Wall Insulation and protecting your home from winter cold and summer heat is the cheapest options that will undoubtedly save your time and money in the long run. Also, modern thermal barrier suppliers in Australia now try as much as they can to be affordable for all homeowners in Australia, and you can make use of it. Competition going on in the market to attract more and more customers. In other words, the price of all insulation products in Australia including of Wall Insulation have significantly gone down over the past few decades!

Some final words

So, would you still believe the myths and wait without protecting your home from winter cold and summer heat? We don't think so! All in all, installing a thermal barrier in all the critical areas such as the walls, floor, and the roof is the best ever option you got in hand today. Contact us today for more information!