The Top Uses Of A pH Tester Explained In Detail

The power of hydrogen or the pH is a crucial factor to measure in many industries today. And, the tester or the measuring instrument we use for this purpose is the pH Tester. Well, many other ways of measuring the power of hydrogen are there, but this digital meter or the tester is the most accurate and reliable option. As a top-class measuring instrument supplier in the Melbourne region, we write this article for you today to explain top applications of the pH Tester. Well, we cover other significant topics such as what is pH and other testing methods too here. Let's get started!

The power of hydrogen is a measurement that determines the acidity or the alkalinity of a solution. Well, almost everything in this world comes with a particular pH value. Measuring it is crucial to determine the qualities and properties of the substance. For example, experts in the cleaning industry measure the acidity or the alkalinity of cleaning chemicals before they use on surfaces. Let's talk about the cleaning industry and the use of the pH Tester in it in the next few paragraphs. Since the 90s, the power of hydrogen was recorded on a scale that extends from zero to fourteen. The middle value, which is seven, is the neutral value (no acidic or alkaline.) The numbers below seven are acidic and above seven alkaline ones. Ignoring the pH can cause disasters in many industries. For example, in the cheese manufacturing process; the pH plays a vital role as it determines the smell and cheese texture.

The pH Tester at a glance

Well, it is a digital meter that comes with an electrode, LCD screen, and internal batteries. Why batteries? Well, this measuring device should be portable enough to carry easily and take measurements anywhere without connecting to the main power supply. So, you can even keep the meter in your pocket; it just looks similar to a thermometer most of the time. Of course, robust meters are also available in the market today. The electrode is the top component of the meter as it is the one that determines the acidity or the alkalinity of the solution being measured. The electronics in the meter convert the signal from the electrode into a digital signal and display on the LCD screen.

What else you can use other than the pH Tester?

How about a litmus paper test? You have heard about the litmus paper test for sure. The litmus paper test is a manual method to confirm the acidity or the alkalinity of a solution. Anyway, experts in the commercial and industrial worlds can't rely on it as it can't give you accurate pH measurements. Even a slight change of pH can cause a disaster in many industries today. Hence, using an accurate and reliable method such as the pH Tester is crucial. As the tester is a digital meter, you can obtain readings up to decimal values. Obtaining values up to decimal points is vital today.

OK, let's come to the main topic of the article now! What are the top uses of this versatile measuring meter? Let's understand each in detail.

* Food industry

Well, the power of hydrogen plays many crucial roles in the food industry. The texture, smell, bacterial growth, and mold growth are the factors that depend on the pH of foods and beverages. A slight change in this value can cause bacteria to grow in foods and beverages. So, food manufacturers measure it accurately with a pH Tester today. As mentioned, this tester is the best and most accurate way to measure up to decimal values.

* Soil pH

A crucial factor to get right for a successful garden crop. Your garden's soil is the medium that the plants grow; hence its pH value should be measured and corrected for a better harvest. Again, a slight change in these values can hinder the nutrient absorbing ability of the plants, resulting in a lack of plant growth. Soil preparation is not a piece of cake; hence you should start the process in advance. The pH Tester will let you measure your soil's current pH levels accurately. You can take the required actions depending on what your tester gives.

* Beverage industry

The taste, smell, and color of most beverages depend on the pH values. For example, wine products. If the pH values are not maintained at the correct levels; the texture, taste, and the smell of wine products can change. Inserting color-changing strips and litmus papers are not safe in this industry. The pH Tester, on the other hand; is a meter that you can clean before using on beverages. Remember, safety is a top concern when focusing on the food and beverage industries.

* Cleaning industry

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, cleaning chemicals' power of hydrogen value plays a vital role. For example, acidic cleaning chemicals can cause costly damages to expensive metal surfaces. So, experts in the cleaning industry measure the pH of chemicals that they are about to use on the surface to be cleaned.

* Chemical industry

Well, this could be the industry that the power of hydrogen plays the most vital role. All chemicals can be categorized as acidic and alkaline ones. Why measure this value of chemicals? Well, from choosing the right container to store the chemicals to safe transport, knowing the acidity or the alkalinity of chemicals is vital. For example, you can't store acids in plastic containers. Since the pH Tester comes with an electrode that can withstand harsh chemicals, you can use it without worrying about the safety.

* Water treating

Another industry where the acidity or the alkalinity of water play vital roles. You can measure this value and confirm the purity of the water too. Anyway, other meters such as conductivity meter and TDS meters also should be used to determine water quality 100%.

Some final words

So, now you have understood the role of the pH Tester in many industries, don't you? Your next question would be from where to buy a reliable meter. Well, you got ample of quality measuring instrument suppliers in Australia, and we are a top-class supplier of all measuring meters in the Melbourne region. As you can see on our website, we supply a broad range of products including the pH Tester at affordable rates. A quick tip: the electrode of the tester is a sensitive component that you should maintain carefully according to the manufacturer's standards. Damage to the electrode means you can't use the tester again. Also, buy a tester that comes with replaceable electrodes; hence if something goes wrong with the electrode; you can install a new one and use the tester again.
