Flange Gasket Facts That You Should Know

A gasket is a piece of material that we use for generating a static seal between two joining surfaces such as of two tubes. Rough surfaces such as of two joining tubes can lead to fluid leaks due to gaps that exist between them. So, to fill these possible gaps; we need to use a modified surface such as a Flange Gasket. In other words, this extra material piece acts as a filler; hence the existing gap between two joining surfaces diminish or minimized. Anyway, since gaskets come in various types and materials; choosing the right one that fulfills your application 100% is vital. Choosing the wrong product can lead to fluid leaks and disasters can happen as a result. In today's article, we explain the facts that you should know about the versatile Flange Gasket; hence next time you will choose the most suited product. Let's get started!

As a practice from the 18th century, we transfer fluids from one place to another via tubes or pipelines. Anyway, to cover the entire distance; we have to connect more than one pipe, and which is what causes leaking issues. A single pipe is a confined medium that holds the fluids without leaking, but the irregularities that exist between two joining surfaces can cause leaks. Hence, as mentioned; we use a Flange Gasket to create a static seal that minimizes or prevents leaks 100%. Why a Flange Gasket? Can't we use general rubber bush here? Well, for domestic pipelines; we mostly use rubber gaskets as water is a fluid that doesn't cause damages to these elements. But, the fluids that we transfer from one place to another in the commercial and industrial worlds can be harsh chemicals, gases, or hot liquids. As you know, general rubber comes with limitations such as lack of resistance to high-temperature and chemical resistance. Also, when moving gases at high-pressure from one place to another; the gasket you use should have the capacity to withstand that pressure, and if not; the entire system can suddenly fail.

When going back through the history, we can highlight many disasters that shook the entire world, and failures in the tube system were the cause behind most of these disasters. For example, instead of using a Flange Gasket, the engineer or the technician has used a general rubber product. A small leak in the pipeline system can cause hundreds of deaths; hence as the technician or the engineer who constructed it, many lives in your hand. Never make blind or wrong decisions or never be careless. OK, what factors to consider when choosing the right product? Well, it all depends on the type of application. For example, to deal with high-pressure; you need a gasket that can withstand high-pressure. Or, to cope with high-temperature; you need a gasket that can withstand high-temperature. Pipelines in a gas plant is a top example of high-pressure application, and gases can immediately leak through small holes. The Flange Gasket plays a principal role here by filling all gaps between the two joining surfaces. Still, only the right product can fulfill your requirement 100%.

Material options

Depending on the material used, we can categorize gaskets into three areas.

* Metallic products.

* Non-metallic ones.

* Semi-metallic products.

Why this many product variations and options? Well, the higher number of options can be the reason behind confusions. For example, the technician has no idea of the right product to choose from the broad range of available products on the market. So, if you are not sure of the right Flange Gasket to include within in the system; always seek for advice from an experienced individual or talk with the product supplier. For example, we always advise our customers on our products and offer free advice on choosing the right gasket for clients' applications. Properties and features of the gasket depend on the material.

* Non-metallic gaskets

These are general products that you can use for domestic and other applications that don't involve hot liquids, high-temperature, and harsh chemicals. For example, residential water pipelines. As mentioned, water isn't a liquid that causes damages like chemicals would do. Anyway, for the plumbing system of heaters and the boiler; you will need metallic or semi-metallic gaskets as hot water is involved in the application. Non-metallic products can't withstand high-temperature, high-pressure, and most chemicals. Anyway, a non-metallic Flange Gasket can provide 100% sealing as rubber can fill all the gaps and irregularities.

* Semi-metallic gaskets

What is meant by semi-metallic? Well, it is like half metal and half non-metal. When we combine metal with non-metal, we can obtain dual properties. So, the metal part of the gasket provides the ability to withstand extreme conditions such as high-temperature, high-pressure, and chemical resistance. And, the rubber or silicone part offers sealing properties.

* Metal Flange Gasket

As the name suggests, these gasket types are made of metals only. Which means extreme applications where extremely high-temperature and high-pressure involved can cause damage to even semi-metallic products; hence only metals can be used here.

Flange Gasket installation

Yes, this is one point that can lead to many failures. The person who installs the gasket within the system should know about vital factors such as correct and safe installation. For example, uneven force can cause damage to the gasket, which can ultimately result in failures. For example, most pipeline systems use nuts/bolts for secure connections. As you know, over or under tightening of the nuts/bolts can lead to failures such as fluid leaks. Uneven forces when tightening can cause irregularities; hence leaks will occur. Or, overtightening can damage the gasket without you noticing it. Under tightening can create a gap between the two connecting pipelines or tubes. A quick tip: using a torque wrench is highly advisable to avoid damages caused by overtightening.

Some final words

As you know by now, a Flange Gasket is a pretty useful and versatile product that prevents disasters in the commercial and industrial words. Improper installation, choosing the wrong product, and human factors such as human failures can lead to disasters, and in the past; many failures have happened. As the engineer or the technician who is responsible for the proper installation of these vital parts, make sure you stick to industrial standards. Choose the right gasket that can handle high-pressure, high-temperature, and chemical wear. Got any more questions regarding this versatile product? Contact us today; we are here for your help, and we supply these gaskets at affordable rates. A quick tip: gaskets that come with cut holes are there for applications involving nuts and bolts. Don't cut holes yourself, and it can reduce the overall product's features.