Insulation Is What Makes Your Home A Comfortable Place

Winter, summer, and autumn are the seasons that can give us a hard time as the temperature in those seasons changes frequently. Australia is a country that three seasons take place every year. Anyway, we don't get extreme weather conditions like in Canada or Russia. In the recent history, even the lowest recorded temperature in Australia can't even get close to the temperatures recording in Canada and Russia; hence we are lucky in a way. That doesn't mean that we can live without Insulation in Australia. As the article's title say's, it is what makes our home a comfortable place to live. And, in this article; we explain you the whole scenario. So, if you are a homeowner who is struggling with frequent temperature changes in your home; you will find all the answers you need here.

Seasonal changes

Well, since it a natural phenomenon; we can't stop it. The seasons change, and all we can do is facing it and look for remedies. For example, we can turn on the heaters in winter and turn on the air conditioners in summer. But, none of these DIY solutions aren't long-term fixes. Yes, you can keep the heaters on until the winter fades away, but what would happen at the end when you get the electricity bill? Homeowners in Australia fear their energy bills that they get in winter and summer. Why? Well, heaters and air conditioners are household appliances that consume the energy in higher amounts. Insulation, on the other hand; is a long-term fix, and other than the initial costs; you don't need to pay anything extra in the long run. And, that is why experts in the Insulation industry encourage all homeowners in Australia to invest money in it.

Are there any other options we can take as precautions to stay protected from summer heat and winter cold? Well, some DIY actions like wearing a winter jacket even when you are in your home or burning some firewoods — you can consider such DIY remedies too. But, can such DIY home remedies protect you well? Wearing a thick winter jacket even when in your home would be seen as a joke to others. In summary, no DIY home remedies can protect you in the long run from extreme winter cold and the boiling summer heat, and Insulation is yet the best ever solution for it.

How does home Insulation work?

If you are a homeowner who doesn't have a clue about these thermal protectors; you will benefit from reading this paragraph carefully. Heat is heated air, and it can move through even solid materials. In other words, heat/temperature is an energy form, which cannot be killed but will get converted from one form to another. For example, the outside boiling temperature in the winter can enter your home via conduction and radiation. The sun is the principal temperature source that our planet earth has. When sunrays hit the walls, the heat from it gets into our homes via the energy transfer process called conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy from a molecule to a molecule of a substance. Solid materials such as walls transfer heat in high amounts as the heat energy can readily transfer from solid materials. What is the role of Insulation then?

OK, insulation is called a thermal barrier as it acts as a barrier to heat transfer. We can explain it with an example — bulk insulation. These thick and highly-dense materials come with a lot of air pockets in them. These air pockets trap air, preventing further air transfer through the material. And, as mentioned; the heat is heated air. So, when air can't move through a particular material, we can call it a thermal barrier. Thermal barriers are long-term fixes, as once installed, it will serve you for even decades. We, homeowners, should look for long-term fixes, not short-term or DIY ones such as wearing a thick winter jacket even when in the home.

Insulation types

The world has changed a lot over the past few decades, and thermal barriers too changed significantly. For example, in the 40s and 50s, we had only a few thermal barrier types, and some of them came with hazardous contaminants such as asbestos. It was in the 80s when people realized how badly asbestos affects our lives, but it was already too late by then. It is a well-known fact that asbestos has killed thousands of lives up to now. Anyway, now, you don't need to worry about any contaminants that will harm you and family members. Bulk insulation, spray-foam, blown-in, rigid panel, reflective, and acoustic batts are the top products that are available in the market today. Which means you got ample of options to choose from; hence you can have a chat with an expert in the industry and get the type that suits your home the most.

Indoor temperature

So, when a thermal barrier is there to protect you and your home; no matter the outside temperature, you can stay peacefully in your home. For example, winter temperature in Australia can drop below 10 degrees Celsius. But, the thermal barrier won't let that freezing air enter your home; also; it doesn't let the warmer air in your home to escape. In other words, thermal stability. Well, heat can leak through anything and anywhere. For example, it can even leak through the glass window via conduction. Sadly, we can't install Insulation on windows, but a unique glass arrangement called double-glaze windows are there now in the market. Thermal barriers are now available for doors though.

To hold the heat confined to your home, you should install Insulation on walls, floor, roof, and the ceiling. Our previous articles have clearly explained how much heat will leak via each element; hence you can read those articles to get the big picture of it. Ignoring any of these elements will result in unstable temperature levels in your home. Well, you may already have Insulation installed on your property, but you may still go through frequent temperature fluctuations. It could be due to old or damaged thermal barriers. For example, if water has settled within the thermal barrier; the efficiency of it goes down significantly. Don't worry! You can quickly confirm and find the cause of it by contacting an expert in the industry or hire a home inspector for a detailed analysis of it. A quick tip: don't enter the attic or the crawl space yourself if you suspect wildlife presence. For example, bats in the attic can attack you vigorously. Also, working in a confined space for a long time may not be your cup of tea. Contact a professional inspector so!